Monday, April 19, 2010

Queers can't be placed in a box!

Queer means odd, different, strange, unusual. Queer can be applied to ones sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

No one who identifies as queer puts rules and regulations on "queerness" like queers don't give a fuck basically. Then you have homosexuals and heterosexuals who feed into social normatives and looking at queers like freaks, well freaks queers shall be, why do you care so much? People are so butt hurt over the fact that people would dare not care about selling their souls and devalue their self worth for some title that is worthless.

I am writing this because I saw a blog about effeminate queers and how it is supposedly an "oxymoron" or whatever and she should just be an effeminate lesbian, of course this blog was written by a lesbian. Society tells us that only androgynous people can be queers because of their ambiguity but there are no rules to queerness. If so bring out the book and educate me haha.

Anyways haha what is gender queer?

Gender queer- People who identify as genderqueer may think of themselves as being both man and woman, as being neither man nor woman, or as falling completely outside the gender binary. They may express a combination of masculinity and femininity(androgyne), one or the other, or neither. Genderqueers may have any sexuality/sexual identity, any physical sex, and may or may not identify as trans.

Some genderqueer people see their identity as one of many possible genders other than man or woman, while others see "genderqueer" as an umbrella term that encompasses all of those possible genders. Still others see "genderqueer" as a third gender to complement the traditional two, while others identify as genderless or agender. Genderqueer people are united by their rejection of the notion that there are only two genders.The term "genderqueer" can also be used as an adjective to refer to any people who transgress gender, regardless of their self-defined gender identity.


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