Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I think War of the Worlds is real!

Not the radio broadcast from the 1938s trying to scare the fuck out of people. My AP European History teacher had us listen to it and it was complete bullshit to say the least but it scared a lot of people. But I believe in the Stephen Spielberg War of the Worlds and the invasion of robots. I can't stand I-Robot either. Did you know in Japan they have Robots working as customer service representatives? They look like human beings but they're robots. I will scream bloody murder if I saw one of them talking to me and it was a robot. I hate mannequins too I think they are planted by the government to look at us, dolls are not just a child's toy but a mechanism to swindle their way into our homes before the Patriot Act was legal.

I've seen the dark skies in which the robots take over everytime I go through South Carolina, I think that is robot's nesting ground. They have enough power to evade and seclude themselves from the rest of the states and slowly take over. I doubt we can repeat what was done before when South Carolina tried to leave the Union and force them back in. Too many Nuclear Power Plants and Robotic Technology popping up for government control and it has been proven that they do not care about anyone but themselves. I went to school right next to one it was horrifying and they would have drills to run from the plants but you can't run once it has been evaded. Once the power plants are gone the only people with a defense system is the government not us.

The converter boxes are just traps so the government can look at us. It's a government issued ordinance to change everything to one thing and claim the quality of picture is better? For whom you so you can look at me?

I am all for technological advancements but when we start talking about the I-Robot type stuff my body starts sweating and I just wanna crawl into a ball but that won't help because a robot can sense fear and there is no escaping it. Now I believe heaven or hell is on earth and I think robots are one the evils and soon to be downfall of this world. I-Robot will come to life and take over everything, lazy bastards won't care while their personal robots are doing everything they wish to not do until they are under marshal law and force to bow down to their super CPU or end up dead.

Some talk about the Apocalypse and stuff and I just happen to believe in the Invasion of Robots.


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