Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Paying for the healthcare of the Obese

If your feelings get hurt by this blog, take the wood chips out of your butt then.

I find it to be completely wrong to pay for people who chose to be fat. Less than 10% of the population have medical reasons for their weight fluctuations concerning obesity but no America is paying for ALL of the obese people for what purpose?

I know people do have eating disorders and I am not trying to be insensitive towards those individuals. I myself am a binge eater I am not overweight but I do have medical issues because of my bad choices and I accept it but I do not ask for handouts from the government to support my bad habits. I am also not proclaiming that all overweight people are unhealthy either, there are a few who still are healthy and do not suffer from medical conditions because of their weight. This blog is about funding the 90% who chose bad habits and wish for the government to pay for them.

So out of our tax dollars millions of dollars are being taken away from people who actually need the money and can not help their medical issues. No one asks for a terminal illness, you chose to be fat and if you have medical issues from that choice you should be exempt from public funding, that is your choice. No one put a gun to your head and said continue to eat McDonald's. It is not America's responsibility to glamorize healthy lifestyles because it is common sense.

Healthy food is too expensive in stores blah blah blah fucking blah, try a Farmer's Market and buy directly from the Farmer. I can't afford to go to gym, I can't get off my fat ass and go, not enough time in the day blah blah blah. Since we are a technology savvy generation I am pretty sure a lot of you have basic cable, record an informational commercial. There are free work outs On Demand on Cable. Stop with these annoying excuses, that's your choice more power to you obviously someone didn't love you and stood beside you and was an enabler and you have to sit there and wait until the Biggest Loser and all these Weight Lost Programs come on television to realize you have an issue.

If you wish to be obese more power to you that's your choice, but don't ask for public funding, go cry to a private insurer or make better choices in life. Private Insurers should get an incentive for funding Geriatric Centers that are popping up like a Fast Food joint. Then you have these retarded Bariatric Commercials every five minutes and I have 3 within a 2mile radius from my house it's just idiotic. All of these places should be privately funded point blank simple, there is no way in hell that Oncology Centers and Childcare's Hospitals will ever get money taken away from them for fat people. How is that even right at all? This should be seriously unconstitutional because you chose to be fat. There needs to be an Amendment in the Health Care Bill about Geriatric/Bariatric Centers. Even if you opt out of public Health Care you are still paying for fat people to be fat. The percentage of fat people has doubled damn near tripled since 1980 and we are going to let this number continuously increase by funding it? I just do not comprehend any of this at all, like seriously how is this legal?

Survival of the fittest, Social Darwinism needs to come back into action immediately, you either hop your fat ass on a treadmill or cry to a private insurer and pay for your medical issues yourself.

Obesity rates in the US(2007-2008)


Obesity and Diabetes rates in the US(2007-2008)



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