Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is the purpose of BET?

The same purpose that Bob Johnson stood behind has gone and died and came back to life as a true coon! I stand behind Aaron McGruder BET is no longer relevant anymore.

BET is like a black family reunion...

1. you got your religious overload

2. baby mama drama

3.drunk uncle

4. cousins asking for handouts

5.long lost relatives who lives in the boonies and are scared shitless all day and stick their noses up to smell their own ass

6. the fool that makes it known they have "money" pulling up in a rental that they claim to be theirs, fake ass jewelry and their friend's clothes and some random chick from the office that you know is not with him

7. Bebe's kids who tell you about the latest trends including how to shake their ass and what boys like and are only 12 yrs old

8. the wanna be rapper who is beyond illiterate and flunking out of school and thinks that his rhymes will take him to the top, but does not know that rapping on the corner will end up leaving your ass remaining on that same corner

9. the hustler who comes up with random schemes and has "raffles" and "fundraisers" to get an extra buck in their pocket

10. the jackass that let's you know that they are a jackass

11. the one who forgot their pills states away and tells everyone off about any and everything that leaves everyone speechless

12. the whore who looks like she just walked out of a video who can't wait to go hit up the mall so she can find someone to take her out to the club that night

13. the person who thinks they are so damn secretive but everyone knows their business including their own children but they still act oblivious and tell everyone that they are fine

14. the homosexual

15. the motherfucker that wants to fight with everyone so you tell this person the wrong day of the family reunion and hopefully everyone will keep their mouth shut but you know every black family has a gossiper and that SOB has to tell it all because "lying hurts her soul"

Malcom X Pictures, Images and Photos

BET makes my forefathers/foremothers really proud!


One Love

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