Friday, September 25, 2009

Lifestyle vs Culture : )

Someone had an issue with my last blog when I originally posted it so I thought I would clarify myself!

Lifestyle -

In sociology, a lifestyle is the way a person (or a group) lives. This includes patterns of social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. A lifestyle typically also reflects an individual's attitudes, values or worldview.


In general, it refers to human activity; different definitions of culture reflect different theories for understanding, or criteria for valuing, human activity.

I believe homosexuality and bisexuality has a culture not a lifestyle. Lifestyle to me comes along with negative stereotypes.

Gay man's "lifestyle" many partners no committment, either in the entertainment industry, or middle class with upper class taste, HIV positive.

Bisexual woman's "lifestyle" multiple partners, untruthful, usually the unhappy housewife who ends up telling her sob story on Oprah.

Bisexual man's "lifestyle" closeted especially when it comes to minorities, secretly gay who wish to have Cisgender heteronormatives so they will be the targets for correcting their sexuality.

Lesbian "lifestyle" 20rescue cats, aggressive, dominant, bold, "manly" no matter how effiminate, hates men, feminist.

But when you have a Culture, you embrace the beauty and struggles that your foremothers and forefathers went through in order for you to walk down the street openly and with your head held up with Pride! It is not about partying all the fucking time that is a negative stereotype. Heterosexuals party equally but they are not "known" or associated with this party behavior. Why are homosexuals deemed to this box and seen as care-free individuals who care about meaningless bullshit?

Audre Lorde's Sister Outsider was not about her lesbian "lifestyle" it was talking about who she was as a womyn, mother, her marriage and just happens to be a lesbian. What part of that is a specific "lifestyle"?

No one wants to seriously tell me what a heterosexual lifestyle consists of outside of stereotypes. A heterosexual is not the only one who can have these cisgender priviledges. I can have a wife and 2.5 kids and a dog and a white picket fence. That would be considered a heterosexual lifestyle, why? It makes no sense to me to validate ignorance.

One Love

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