Sunday, September 6, 2009

Do you call him a man or woman?

So of course I have a few pet peeves with Makael about this issue. Like what in the fuck have you ever heard of a thing called Respect? Do we as people live our lives based on socionormatives for our own amusement or something?

I myself was born biologically female, I do not have any respect for the gender binary because you can not define me as a person based on trivial ideals and stereotypes. I refuse to be confined to a box and labeled as a woman. That is not me at all, I am Matt!

Genderqueer is a gender identity not biological sex of both/neither "male"/"female". The commonality is that all genderqueer people reject the notion that there are only two genders in the world. I personally am neither male or female. This is when Third Gender/Two spirit comes into play like you saw in the diagram. Referred as hir,zee,hy,boi etc.

So when walking down the street, I find it extremely disrespectful, for you to yell at me and ask me whether or not am I a boy or a girl. What in the fuck is with that shit? When I don't answer you I am either bitch or faggot or my favorite "It". Like what in the fuck is wrong with you people. My biological sex does not make me less of a fucking human being then you!

(I will come back later to continue lo siento)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had more to say on this because I think about it a lot. I know a young transman and he has experienced most of what you talk about and when you speak to him, he says what has gotten him through to this point is remaining open, friendly and upbeat and not getting angry or at least not outwardly angry. He often says that he knows that the average person doesn't understand him as a transman or many of his friends who consider themselves genderqueer and remaining open and friendly has helped them to educate people and open their minds. The way this particular person once put it is that "People may approach me with anger, hatred and confusion, but it's my job to diffuse that and help them to understand so that the next genderqueer or trans person they come across will have a better experience. I can't change everyone, but I can at least try to educate them and approach them with the respect that they deserve even when they didn't give it to me."

    I think that's all most of us can do whether it's with regard to our sexuality, our gender identity or anything else that is misunderstood. Your gender identity is misunderstood by most people because it's not something they grow up with. From early on in life it's always male/female, boy/girl, woman/man. Its starting to change in some cases, but for the most part the gender binary is still standard. It's sort of like how people misunderstand bisexuals. At the most openminded, people grow up learning that people tend toward one gender or the other in terms of attraction. No one talks about bisexuality and so bisexuals grow up being told we should pick one. It's wrong for bisexuals just like it's wrong for you. All we can do on the whole is continue to educate others and live our lives as the best possible example of whoever and whatever we are and hope that one day the world catches up with us.
