Friday, September 25, 2009

Homosexual/Bisexual Lifestyle : )

My pet peeve right now is the fact that queers think that being homosexual or bisexual is a lifestyle. Like what in the hell is that shit?

Rainbows, black and white stars, techno music, L-word fanatics, Ellen and Portia fanbots, Rachel Maddow enthuisiast, 20 rescue cats, Suze Orman dictators, flaming queers riding horseback via unicorn shitting skittles.

Unicorn farting rainbow

I mean let's be serious here for a minute.

Being a hippie is a lifestyle, your sexuality does not come with a lifestyle. If it does, it is all on you and you can't blame your sexuality for the conditions that you live in or how you live your life.

For the people that think homosexuality comes with a lifestyle, well can you explain to everyone what is a heterosexual lifestyle?

Then you get the stupid ass comments like "Oh I am not used to this homosexual lifestyle" when something "out there" happens. Okay a lot more people in the LGBT community are like fuck socionormatives and go against this mentality that has been drilled into them since birth. But according to the mainstream LGBT community you rarely see a homosexual who will say fuck socionormatives.

For the people that believe that homosexuality is a "lifestyle", did you have sex with someone of the same sex and label yourself as queer?

I mean seriously since when in the hell did sex determine a person's sexuality? This annoys me because this is what the fuckery MTV generation preaches through Tila Tequila and "barsexuality" instead of actual education.

Side Note what happened to Dr. Drew Pinskey because he was the only one on MTV who talked about homosexuality in a positive aspect.

I think all of this ignorance is the primary driving force outside of religion behind Internalised homophobia. I have talked to several gay men that have denounced their sexuality and feed into the fuckery "DL movement" instead of being open because a "man" is supposed to have this surburbian "American Dream"(wife, 2.5kids, dog, white picket fence) and Cisgender heteronormatives.

Do womyn have the same mentality once they realize they are seriously homosexual?

Even if any of this has nothing to do with Internalised homophobia, we still feed into the fuckery mentality of heteronormatives because you don't want to be looked at like a "freak". Objectifying who you are because you don't want someone to look down on you? Bending over backwards to fit in? Fit into what?

It is all stupid as hell to me! There is nothing wrong with being out and proud but to call it a "lifestyle" basically feeds into ignorance. I will never comprehend the need for anyone to validate who they are with stupidity.

One Love

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