Thursday, October 1, 2009

I only date purple people now!

My response to "What is a real woman?"

I don't like green people!

Yes, I put the super in superficial! Like OMGSH! I am so annoyed with people talking about why I only like purple people. Yes, I know I am discriminating...but I know that green people can be pretty too...but that is not the point that I could be missing out on the most beautiful people...but wait purple people are so better than green people! Wait why are you totally getting mad at my ignorance and immaturity? But you don't understand I have to uphold traditions. But wait wait wait, why can't I like what I like? Why must I choose to date only purple people, well HELLO they LOOK LIKE PURPLE! Green so does not compare to being the norm of the purple people! So what if I pick out all the ugly nasty green skittles from the purple skittles, so what if there are only 5purple skittles left that are ignorant and immoral, but you are missing the fact that they are PURPLE! Purple is still beautiful because it upholds traditions so why must you judge me? I know I already judge enough for my own liking but why must you be on my case? You are totally missing the point, I have to uphold traditions here! I have to go based on the norm or else I would be a freak show! I just have to dammit stop asking me WHY!


I just want sapiens to love me, even if that means hurting the most beautiful of all people! I don't care I want to be loved, give me love or give me death!


DJ AM Pictures, Images and Photos

One Love

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