Saturday, October 17, 2009

Classism amongst the LGBT community!

As a child I had a one dimensional outlook towards homosexuals. A homosexual was either a prostitute or filthy rich living in mansions traveling the world whenever they may please. I myself could never be a homosexual because I lived in Housing Projects enriched with poverty. If someone were to tell me that this is bias superficiality and not reality I would tell them that they were full of lies. Middle class homosexuals was non existent to me until I reached highschool even then I seen my peers go back into the closet for cisgender priviledges. Married with 2.5 children, white picket fence, finacial stability and a dog was something I believe could not be obtainable by any minorities yet along a homosexual.

The only person that I know who actually speaks on this important issue is Keith Price of OutQ Radio during his comedy sketches. Keith Price has a scenario where he has a niece who views gay men as rich and frivolous spenders whom travels around the world with no sense of responsibilities. Keith Price one day was approached by his niece and was asked was he a homosexual and he replied "Yes are you mad or ashamed". "No, I am not mad that you are gay I am mad that you could not tell me sooner so I could go shopping for a new doll" replied his niece. Materialism and wanting to have the best is embodied in this community and shoved under the rug. Keeping up with the Joneses is not appropriate in teaching tolerance and the acceptance of others who are no different from themselves.

The L-word does no justice to this either. Noah's Arc happens to be the only show in a while that did not feed into stereotypes based on socioeconomic level and I wonder why the show got cancelled. People will try their hardest to feed into classism and stereotypes rather than feed into positivity that could possibly help someone better there lives.

The documentary Aggressives I liked it but then again I did not like it why in the hell does every butch woman of color have to be from the hood? I know butch women of every socio background that prosper in life and why is this not being seen? Snoop does butch women of color no justice. The closet thing butch women of color have to something positive is Wanda Sykes and she just came out of the closet.

Gay men are filthy rich or they are frivilous spenders who do not believe in monagamy?! Everytime I see that image I want to punch someone. Like Capote had his own little private island and flew his friends from all around the world. Well that completely eliminates the fact that there are gay men that work a 9-5 and the entertainment industry is not the only place to go.

Effiminate women meet socionormatives so it is easier to have that "hetero card" if you do not meet stereotypes. Upper class, glamorous fast life, and only date women that are like them and since the media only shows this image this is what they crave, the woman in "Power"

Bisexuals is a bit of a toughy because they don't meet socionormatives when it comes to either heterosexuals or homosexuals. They are being tugged back and forth so it is viewed that they are untrue and liars. The media depicts them as either Tila Tequila or the housewife who was unhappy and looks for comfort in a woman.

Trans usually the MTF as the sex worker because outside of the entertainment industry she has no where to go. Very rarely will you find an employer to feed the needs of someone who is trans on a middle class/lower class level. Even as older trans they have issues because not everyone knows their needs so they have to tell them their needs. Unless they do it for themselves there are seriously few oppurtunities and they are more prone to homelessness.

1 comment:

  1. I've always wondered about the stereotypes in television and movies, but the more I talk it over with my friends, both Straight and Gay, is because the general populace of america is not ready to view gay people as anything but the stereotypes that the affluent gays of the last few decades have projected. Either gay guys are effeminate, or rich and eccentric. Lesbians are either butch and from the hood, or sex and the city.

    Personally, I blame Bravo.
