Thursday, October 8, 2009

30k+ people homeless in Detroit

But here is the kicker they were supposed to get money yesterday and I know everyone could not be served but do you know how many were given money out of the 35k that showed up? 3,500 people recieved money yesterday in Detroit?

Where did the rest of the money go? It damn sure better not went to the car companies because those motherfuckers are not going to come back to life anytime soon and they might as well move on and find a new trade.

What the hell went wrong? The government is giving money to baby mamas who are using it on their hair and nails but as soon as Detroit one of the poorest cities in this country needs money they only give money to 3,500 people?

It is time to Wake Up and smell the flowers and understand that our politicians are saying fuck us and just getting what they can and as people who vote for them get the crumbs? What the fuck?

I am personally not a fan of Keith Olberman because he does not vote and wishes to be called an American Citizen, but dammit listen to what he has to say!

"America is a rich man's vision but a poor man's prison"- Pat Justice

To be continued!
Think Pictures, Images and Photos
One Love

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