Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI is the devil

Disclaimer: I have nothing against Catholics or anyone who believes in Catholicism. I am sorry if I have offended you with my blog. I just don't like Fascist bastards who get away with heinous crimes and condone them knowing they are detrimental to human rights.

Some are asking why is this a big deal now considering that these allegations have surface before. Well none of them have been publicly covered up by someone in a high ranking position as Pope Benedict XVI. Allegations of crimes against children have been made since the 1900s that have been recorded, sky rocketing from 2million to 150million cases. In the 1980s allegations were ignored in Pope Benedict XVI archdiocese in Munich and later a priest, Rev. Peter Hullerman was convicted BUT not removed from the priesthood and stopped working with in the church after this information surfaced to the media at the beginning of March 2010. Rev. Peter Hullerman was convicted in 1986 and spent 24yrs as convicted a sex offender around children, how lovely is that?

"The pope, who himself stands accused of approving the transfer of an accused priest for treatment rather than informing German police during his 1977-82 term as Munich archbishop, suggested that child-abusing priests could have been expelled quickly had Irish bishops applied the church's own laws correctly. He pledged a church inspection of unspecified dioceses and orders in Ireland to ensure their child-protection policies were effective."

Here is where Pope Benedict XVI falls into a complete contradiction and makes an ass out of himself.

Ireland and America, doctors. parishioners, advocates, have been writing letters to Pope Benedict XVI since 1998-2001. Pope Benedict XVI had these letters were found in his desk in this year. Pope Benedict XVI said himself that if anyone had any information about allegations towards priests that Vatican laws will take control of the situation and urge priests to come forward and confess their sins that they have been confiding within themselves. Since 1996 the Irish church has been working with officials and judges to seek justice for the crimes conducted by members of the priesthood.

If you still don't get it, let's use this analogy serial killers have been caught with the smoking gun but the FBI says "Oh they are good people let's move them to Australia no harm could be done" and a series of murders have been committed by that person you just caught red handed and you turn the blind eye hoping no one will find out. Now you're scrambling to figure out some seemingly plausible lies trying to cover it up a crime.

Pope Benedict XVI could have gotten away with bloody murder by concealing valuable information to convict despicable criminals but he decides to do the "righteous" thing and save his soul by writing a lovely papal letter to the Irish church apologizing for the crimes committed by priests. Why not say you're guilty and you are wrong instead of hiding behind your title?

If this was anyone else justice would have been served but nope it's the Pope and he can cause another crusade and kill off innocent people all in the name of the church. Any crime towards children is heinous and you should rot in hell, but yes you need to be tortured on earth, you're not going to feel some satisfaction of salvation and self worth EVER. The person who cover ups the crime is just as guilty, it's called being a co-conspirator.


One Love

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