Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ego-trippin' men, butches, and male domination!

Okay a fellow downelinker asked me what is the deal with FTMs and their need to express their manhood every five minutes. Of course I can only speak for myself and my experiences but I find it amusing to say the least. It's annoying and redundant fuckery at it's finest, like have you read a vast majority of people's pages who identify as FTM and it says the same shit over and over again. If you are a man okay what else is there to you that you have to offer? "I'm a man approach me like this and don't call me this..." I understand that part but the rest of the summary of what you give us is about your manhood, what in the fuck? Really is that neccessary? Are you fullfilling some lost void that no one else but you have noticed, just straight up ego-trippin'.

I know society has these ridiculous gender role rules but you don't have to feed into them or prove anything to anyone just be yourself. If you are a man I should know this from the get go because of how you carry yourself. It is so easy to seperate the men from the boys, your sincerity lives through your presence. Being the least bit effiminate and "acting all manly" afterwards I will admit I used to be that person, still am to a certain degree, but I never lied on my dick to prove myself to anyone that seperates me from a lot of losers in this world. I honestly do get messages from ego-trippin' men and even butches on here about my gender expression and telling me how I should act and carry myself. I'm super duper androgynous, faggish, does not make me less than you and why do you have this desire to dictate how I should act? Seems pretty weird that a person is infactuated is with someone like me, brings joy to my heart actually.

There are butches around who do the same thing when in it comes femininity and I find it extremely amusing, acting all tough to prove your masculinity, getting offended when someone call you a fem, well duh you are silly. Trust I know women who are tired of hearing of how butch and macho you are, just be yourself and keep it moving, what are you trying to prove? prove to whom? Trust they are irrelevant if they are your brothers/sisters and you need to go through some initiation process to allow them to see falsehoods instead of who you are as a person.

Now I do not wish to pressure my personal beliefs onto others just give a little word to the wise. Everyone knows I am oppose to the gender binary fuckery but if you find a need that you must oblige why not eliminate the need for male domination idiotic rhetoric? If you are a woman and being a misogynist sexist pig to other women, what does that truely make you out to be? A blatant hypocrite. Why don't you strap yourself with that apron and iron, barefoot and pregnant and don't dare raise your voice nor hand because you chose not to value what your foremothers/forefathers gave up so you would not have to dare say such things.

(I know not all FTMs are transgendered and some are transexuals and I purposely left out Transmales in this scenario that will be in a future blog tied in with gender queers)


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