Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pansexuality vs. Bisexuality!

Bisexuality is attraction(romantic and/or sexual) to both males and females.

Pansexuality is the aesthetic attraction (romantic and/or sexual) for people regardless of biological sex, gender expression, gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

biological sex(male, female,intersex)
gender expression(feminine, androgynous, masculine)
gender identity(man, woman, third gender)
sexual orientation(heterosexual, asexual, queer(includes bi,poly,pan, whatever))

Major differences a lot of bisexuals do not recognize the third gender and only 3 out of 5 biological sexes (but do not primarily seek intersex individuals) if there are really 5 sexes.

Five biological sex theory:

1. male – XY with a testes
2. female – XX – with ovaries
3. Hermaphrodite, also known as intersexual, have both testes and ovaries. They also divert from the typical XX-female or XY-male presentations. Fausto-Sterling introduces two other sexes known as pseudo-hermaphrodites.
4. Mermaphrodite – have XY chromosomes with functioning testes but they also have a vagina and a clitoris. At puberty, they often develop breasts but don’t menstruate.
5. Fermaphrodite –have XX chromosomes with functioning ovaries and sometimes a uterus and breasts but they also have at least partly masculine external genitalia. At puberty, they also may develop beards, deep voices and adult-size penises. Basically, in contrast with hermaphrodites, the pseudo-hermaphrodites possess two gonads of the same kind along with the usual male (XY) or female (XX) chromosomal makeup. However, their external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics do not match their chromosomes.

Watch the video if you still do not comprehend

(He said polygamy-involves marriage, but I believe he meant polyamory-multiple partners in a relationship.)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was kind of wondering what pansexuality meant.
