Thursday, April 15, 2010

Laughing at dummies!

Why do people get mad at someone for laughing and/or making fun of ones intelligence level when you just laughed at the "victim's" minstrel show?

Lacking in morale or not but at least that person can spell it and takes advantage of their FREE American education. Pretentious asshole vs Ignoramus buffoon, I'll be the jerk with no class who actually acts like I graduated highschool at least or pretend like I did. It has nothing to do with the words that roll off your tongue, "fancy" or flat out "stupid" it is the meaning behind them and how well they are spoken. That's why there is this "war" about an emphasis for "perfect" dialect/diction and how "real" English is supposed to be spoken, as if we are monotone robots giving tips for a new Microsoft program.

The Uncle Toms come out and every educated person is proclaimed to have a stick up their butt-hole. Calling someone an Uncle Tom and sell out only makes you look dumb not the person you constantly waving your finger towards. "Bitch who you be talking to" if you're going to attack someone with coonery you're only digging yourself a hole, so lie in it or shut the fuck up. It's so simple, no one can demean someone without their permission. Acting like a buffoon gives people the okay to help you into that dirtroom quicker. But seriously though do you really think that a person so educated would bow down screaming "All hail whitey!" That's what ignoramus buffoons are already doing with themselves, you will always be the employee never the employer. There will always be someone above you who is wealthy while you are bragging about your riches. Gained today and gone tomorrow, the American dream and cisgender privileges are definitely pricey.

Zora Neale Hurston wrote and taught people through their language because during her time, people learned by ear, because guess what she was born right after slavery. So I can see people getting mad or offended by W.E.B. DuBois when he denounced the Harlem's Renaissance because of their lack of proper grammar, when we were forced into an unpredictable predicament. We are no longer ruled with that iron fist, completely inexcusable, call it like it is, coonery.
"But it's so mean and rude, screams jackass with a very poor vernacular". A lot of you say I should succumb to society's rudimentary bullshit, drop to my knees with the rest of you and laugh at the minstrel show as well. Not even on a cold day in hell will I condone such fuckery.

When you see everyday that there are people in third world countries dying for the opportunity we squander so frivolously you begin to not have a heart. Just leave the ignoramus buffoon alone with a book and walk away, they either choose to read it or make firewood out of it, sell it for a new pair of jordans that they claim will be old after a month and only wear them once. There is no point in trying to educate someone who is so simple and feeble minded, who considers their CNN. So why not laugh, we can make fun of ones race, culture, speech, clothes,looks, but wait we're being so cruel when we go after that noggin of yours? That's funnier to a lot more people than superficial coonery that takes not ounce of brain power just a waste of good a New York minute.

Bill Cosby is right, you might not agree with his tone or how he approached the situation, but today's generation is severely lacking in intelligence. I don't agree with Hip Hop being the cause or source behind such ludicrous nonsense because without Hip Hop people would still talk like they don't have a bit of damn sense. I was raised in the projects too, so don't dare use that as an excuse, "I'm a product of my environment" it's hard out here for us, you don't know how it really is down here. If I had a dime for every bum who said that to me I would have been a millionaire years ago. Your environment does not dictate your actions because I know some kids in the suburbs who choose to be stupid as fuck along with the rest of the world.

I find all of this offensive to the people who weren't taught but you were given a chance, so I'm supposed to be all righteous and sensitive to your new found glory to fame, illiteracy for props.

In Middle School, there was a very bright girl placed in an Exceptional Children class, everyone thought it was a joke because we assumed there was nothing wrong with her because she looked like everyone else. Then some jerks asked her was she a retard and asked her why she didn't look retarded, she smiled and said no I can't read or write. She had the mind frame of a 7yr old kid trapped in a teenager. She was black in an all white elementary school and she was stuck in the back of the classroom, she was being raised to be a n-word, her teachers told her that's how people like her were meant to be raised, she believed them. She tells this story in a nonchalant manner, not one tear, she just sat there and colored in a book, happy that she was going to be around her peers.

I have sympathy for people like her and others with learning disabilities, even then that doesn't prevent them from going on to reach the pinnacle of greatness.

Seriously what's your excuse again for dumbing yourself down?


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