Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Gay Gene : ]

Does a gene exist to determine whether or not someone is homosexual? Could it be a genetic mutation? Or some biological disposition because something did not completely form at birth? Did you not get enough oxygen to the left hemisphere of your already dysfunctional brain?

I wonder what internalised homophobe has/will donate their body to science to figure out the cure. What if a gay gene does exist and it could be determined by a simple test? What if you could determine your child's sexuality like you can determine if your child has Down Syndrome? Law and Order: SVU has an episode about this very scenario and I find it to be very interesting. Just like the Punnit Square and weigh out your odds strategically to get rid of this recessive gene that is poisoining the family tree that is built on respect and integrity.

They have tools and resources to genetically code the "perfect baby", blonde hair blue eyed boy. What is seriously stopping someone to include sexual orientation into the mix? Is it plausible? Can it really happen? If it could happen what is stopping homophobes to tell their political advisors to uplift their stance on abortions? Will Liberals come to the defense of innocent people and stop this or will this open the flood gates of a bigger war?

My personal point view is this, the gay gene either does not exists or someone discovered it already. You know we don't know half the shit going on in this world until decades later and everyone hops on the bandwagon like it is seriously something new. I feel as if some doctor a long time ago has already discovered the "gay gene" and used ethical common sense and asked theirself how will this affect my society in the future. Or it just does not exist and people have this desire to validate who they are as people with science and that is not the purpose of science. It is all absurd and stupid as fuck at the end of the day and nothing good can come from it. Just like the Catholic church favoring the death penalty for homosexuals it is all morally corrupt and absurd.

One Love

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