Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catholic Church says screw Foster Care system

in our Nation's Capital because they refuse oblige with same sex marriage laws and rights to adopt to same sex couples/homosexuals

Here is my issue with this, how are you such an advocate for Pro Life but refuse to do anything about the foster care system then you buck up and do something and all of sudden you act like pansies because you don't want a child to live with homosexuals?

None of this makes an ounce of since, our foster care system is bullshit, If you live outside of the boonies in D.C. considering they have been cutting a significiant amount of programs for irrelevant fuckery such as bike racks, but you have the audacity to be high and mighty and deny that child to have an equal oppurtunity because of that "homosexual" they might end up with?

Were these people high as kites when a Florida woman left 7 children in a room with a dirty mattress and jar in which they ate and pissed in and the system did nothing and did not find a need to check on these children and continues to pay this woman and still did nothing after it was investigated by Dateline? WTF?

What about the other heterosexual people in this country who abuse the foster care system for a quick buck and illegal child labor? It's perfectly normal to want someone to live with them but hell no to a homosexual who has done absolutely nothing wrong but wishes to not feed into the statistics of that foster child when he/she ages out of the system. What about those people?

A child really does not give a fuck about who his/her parents are, all they want is a home, a room of their own, just something to call their own due to unfortunate circurmstances that they had no control of, what abou their rights? Limiting them to heterosexuals only solves what?

A lot of the people who make up the foster care system are teenagers, a teenager has the mind frame to formulate and educated decision about their own beliefs and values. I know not one person in my life in the foster care system who gives a damn about their parents being homosexual, all they care about is finding a home before they age out of the system or else they either end up in prison, homeless, or die.

Now if you want to get all biblical and morale pushers, my bible is the same as yours and the rights of a child comes before the selfish and ill wills of an adult who believes they have the best interest when all you are doing is pushing agenda. In the Sodom and Gomorrah story, those were rapists and molestors which have been proven by fact that rapists and molestors can either be both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Equal responsibility and one is not greater than the other.

I don't believe in forcing people to do things they do not wish to do but I propose you use common sense and the best interest of the child and not your own before deciding someone else's fate.


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